Dienstag, 29. Juni 2010

Back home from the Zillertal

Dear readers,
Team GORE-TEX® Merchi Emotions is back from a very exciting and active weekend.
For some of us it was kind of a long journey until we arrived at this wonderful hut in the Zillertal but it was absolutely worth it!

On Friday, Franky, Michael and David startet with some (in comparison to the other two days) relaxed 20 km to the Märzengrund including 800 ascending meters. The weather during the whole weekend was just perfect and we enjoyed running as a team, not lonesome in Bayreuth, München, Absberg or where else...

On Saturday the Team GORE-TEX® Merchi Emotions was complete for the first time to train together. "El Capitano" arrived and showed us the way up from Stumm to the peak of Gehdrechten. :) About 23 km and 1640 ascending meters.

On the photo you can see us before we started to Stumm. It's not a coincidence that we look THAT nice. :) Since this weekend we have a very nice team outfit from GORE RUNNING WEAR. We all are very happy with the awesome clothes and it is a good feeling that everybody sees that we are reaching the top of a mountain as a team!!

On Sunday we did for the first time something that is at least a little bit similar to a GORE-TEX® Transalpine Run stage. We started in Mayrhofen all the way up to Penken and finally we reached the top of the Wanglspitz. All in all about 33 km and 2000 ascending meters. It was really a tough day in the heat and after the 5 hours all of us were tired but happy. And the best thing was that we arrived "at home" just in time for the great match of GERMANY against ENGLAND. What a lovely game. :)
The following clip comments the game better than any words...

This weekend showed everyone of us what's going well and what could be (much) better. For sure, everyone of us four had the thoughts on Sunday: WHAT AM I DOING HERE...?!?! But the questions disappeared again and we all got motivated even more. 2 month left... tick tack tick tack...

The detailed insights of our training you can get, as always, on movescount.com. Feel free to join our group and train together!

Visit my profile at Movescount

Keep on running everybody!

Freitag, 25. Juni 2010

Die Drei vom Zillertal

Day 1 in the Zillertal.

6.28 am. David is leaving Bayreuth.
8.13 Michael is picking up David in Pleinfeld.
12.30. Awesome lunch at "Jackl's".
14.30. Third runners joins the partybus to the Zillertal.
16.30 late arrival the Jackl's hut.
17.15. START to the Merzengrund
2.55 h later... back home. sweet weather. 20 km. 850 ascending meters. good vibes.

we are looking forward to welcoming the "teamchef" thotti the downhill machine.

ah, i forgot: 23.15 h: Michael is almost sleeping like a baby!

so, you see, everything is sweet a-la-la-la-la-long.

keep on running!

Samstag, 19. Juni 2010

Deutschland 0 - Serbien 1. Spain 0 - Switzerland (Lausanne) 1

Dear all...
what a sad afternoon yesterday. Altough everything in Germany was standing still during 13.30 h and 15.15 h, just watching TV in the offices, no one in the streets... - it didn't help. The Spanish referee created a colourful time with a bad end for Lukas Podolski, Holger Badstuber and the other goalless players... Let's see what will happen in the game against Kevin-Prince Boateng.
Well, at least we saw a very nice game between Switzerland and Spain some days before with an unexpected end, too. Until today only Argentina is playing really strong of the championship favourites.
But... back to Switzerland. I had a very nice weekend in Lausanne with dear friends!! The weather was just perfect, so much sun, the lake still freezing and the mountains were beautiful. I did not do real runs, just one day hiking near Montreux. In between I ran some kilometers, especially downhill I recognized the difference again between the hills in Bayreuth and the Alps. :)
Even though I didn't have long training runs over there it really got me motivated just to be in the Alps, the landscape... I just love it.

Back in Bayreuth the weather is changing a lot. On Wednesday the sun made me weak, but yesterday Fabi and I had perfect running weather with some rain at the end and everything appeared so much easier. Even some pain in my knees couldn't stop me. Rarr Rarr!! It's so much better to have a nice training partner. We definitely should do run together more often.
Another funny thing is: From now on I'm really looking forward to arriving at home after long runs. My friends (including me) will laugh, but I'm mixing a delicious regenerating protein drink. It was sooo yummie, vanilla taste mixed with a fresh peach. Well, times change. I have never used drinks like that in my life. But it tastes great and if it supports my regeneration - even better!!

From next Tuesday on I will have more time again to run. Without always having other things in mind I should do... And if everything works out I see Franky and Thorsten in Munich next Sunday for the Munich City Run.

My training las week:

Running   18.6.2010
   2:01'05 hours,  150 bpm, 23,12 km
Running   16.6.2010

 1:28'13.6 hours, 163 bpm, 16,47 km
Running   16.6.2010

 0:09'21.4 hours,    1,87 km
Trekking 12.6.2010

 4:46'26.3 hours, 108 bpm, 15,02 km

Click here for details.

Motivation this week is, of course, the lovely Uwu Lena:

Mittwoch, 9. Juni 2010

Mountains we are coming!

Hey everybody,

at the moment I've got the feeling that the time is running. One week is over again... Last week I didn't train much at all. Well, it's really hard to take (or have) the time to run when there is an exam waiting next door... But it's over. And though the runs I did were really great. I'm really falling in love with my forests around Bayreuth, almost everytime I'm finding some new nice trails.
Especially today I recognized my hidden love to Bayreuth's sourroundings because I'm in Brühl! And my run was... well, not good... It was really hot, I had no water, no music, no up- and downhill parts at all. There was just my personal fight against my watch... Actually I didn't feel very well afterwards, wasn't my day...
I'm sure there'll be better times. Tomorrow I escape from Brühl to the mountains. Actually "only" to visit a good friend but also to enjoy the great nature in Switzerland during some runs. Besides some chees fondue. :)

The other 3 GORE-TEX® Merchis are really focused on the mountains this weekend. They have their first "trainings camp" in the Zillertal. It's a pity that I can't join them but I'm really excited what they will tell me (and hopefully YOU, too!! we want impressions in the blog my friends) about their runs over there.
It seems that we four see each other (all of us!!) at the end of June at the half-marathon in Munich. At least it's planned. 

My training the last days:
Running: 9.6.2010
   2:00'05.3 hours, 155 bpm, 21,26 km
Jumps: 4.6.2010
   0:11'53.8 hours,  134 bpm
Running: 4.6.2010

   1:32'02.1 hours, 152 bpm,  17,37 km
Running: 2.6.2010

   1:24'48.9 hours, 158 bpm, 16,97 km

Click here for details.

Finally I want to say that it is just great that already over 200 users are following us on facebook! Awesome!

Stay motivated (me too!):

Keep on running!

Mittwoch, 2. Juni 2010

Trust is good - control is better!!

Dear friends,
after over one week I'm finally back again. From the other 3 wannabe-Transalpine-runners you haven't heard a lot or nothing either since a long time.
What are they doing? Are they really training for September? Can you see an advance of our performance?
Actually that's what I'm asking myself frequently...
But now I have really good news. The times of big words without facts are over! :)

With the very nice support of SUUNTO we are now equiped with our new babies: SUUNTO t6c. What can I say: I like!
From now on every of our move is counted. But the best thing is a very simple but stylish tool and sports community which allows me to "control" my wannabes. :) Or just makes me think: Damn it, Thorsten already had his 20 km run today, I have to move my little ass, too!! The Online-Tool is called movescount. There I upload my trainings data within seconds.
For your first impression you can check my profile or the moves of the group "our adventure GORE-TEX® Transalpine Run".
Actually it would be great if many of you, Transalpine-Runners or anybody else who reads this blog, join us, publish your facts about your training! It's really easy and it's not necessary that you own a SUUNTO watch.
I'm looking forward to this "trainings group". :)

So everybody keep on RUNNING.

Visit my profile at Movescount