Montag, 26. April 2010

Impressions from Heidelberg

I'm back in Bayreuth from a very nice weekend in Heidelberg.
It was great to see Thorsten again since September! The weather on Sunday was perfect and the hilly track was tough. At least for me. :) If you are looking for an extraordinary half marathon you should run in Heidelberg next year!
The results of team "GORE-TEX® Merchi Emoitons I" and our friends & family:
  • Thomas 1:38:19
  • Adrian: 1:38:20 (such a pity that Thomas and Adrian started in different groups!)
  • David: 1:41:44
  • Florian: 1:45:39
  • Thorsten: 1:46:48
  • Vanessa: 1:57:56
  • Janina: 1:57:57
...some impressions... (coming more soon)

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Samstag, 24. April 2010

Heidelberg and Thorsten are coming

Hello everybody!

I arrived in Brühl yesterday night, already one more week left... This week wasn't filled with training at all. I started it in Feldkirchen-Westerham (Feki) because of a job I had to do over there. Jürgen from GORE-TEX® Footwear who knows every single trail around Feki showed my on google earth a very nice 15 km trail. As you can imagine it's much easier to see the trail on the screen: "straight on, than right, next left, along the river..." and so on... :) Well, I had a very interesting 2 hours orientation trail run without a map - but not at all on the track Jürgen showed me. :D Actually I wanted to run about 90 min, but after the first hour I needed another hour to orientate and get back to where I started. But the first hour I really loved to run, it was awesome and the best trail I ran this year!
During the next days I got a little bit ill and tired. It didn't work out to run with Franky and Thorsten.
Finally I didn't train until today. Still have a little bit a cold but in the next hour I will run very relaxed 30 min or something like that, just to get moved my legs. And tomorrow the half marathon is waiting. Thorsten will arrive tonight in Brühl. It's good to see him after a long time, since months.
The weather forecast for tomorrow is very nice, maybe even to warm, but I think at 10 a.m. when we start it should be very nice running weather.
Actually I don't expect nothing from the race but a nice running day with Thorsten, my siblings and dear friends.

Keep on running!

Sonntag, 18. April 2010

good old german proverb: blow some pepper in the ass!

Just for you Franky,

to run the 16 km faster than in 100 min.


Servus, Welcome y Bienvenido FRANK!

Der Blog füllt sich also mit weiterem Leben, sehr schön!
Da ich ab morgen zum Arbeiten in Feldkirchen wird es hoffentlich auch zum ERSTEN gemeinsamen Lauf mit Thorsten und/oder Frank kommen. Würde mich sehr freuen.
Bin auch wirklich gespannt, was Thorsten so drauf hat in Hinblick auf Heidelberg. Nächsten Sonntag ist es so weit - Heidelberg Halbmarathon. Heute war der Herr 17,5 km laufen, das weiß ich aus erster Hand. Nur an die Technik hier, da traut er sich noch nicht so ran.... Das wird schon noch.

Meine Laufwoche war irgendwie nicht so befriedigend. Vielleicht lag es auch daran, dass es manchmal einfach wichtigere und schönere Dinge (zu feiern) gibt... Meinen langen Lauf habe ich auf morgen verschoben. Dann wird es nochmal schnell und anschließend locker, bevor es in die Heimat nach Heidelberg geht.

Training diese Woche:
  • Montag: Hügelläufe am "Festspielhaus-Brett", 20 Min Ein-und Auslaufen, 8 Läufe (2 serien), : ersten 4: 62-64 sec, nächsten 3: 65-68 sec und der letzte: 61 sec! :) Pausen 2.30 - 4.00 min. - ich war einfach nur platt... aber man weiß, was man geschafft hat.
  • Dienstag: toller 56 min - Lauf bei bester Stimmung im Studentenwald
  • Donnerstag: ruhige 58 min mit Flo
  • Samstag: 62 min. Das war nichts... habe mich wirklich schwach gefühlt bei schönstem Wetter. Ohne Essen geht einfach gar nichts.

Nice to see that now Frank is also writing here in the blog and I'm sure his posts will be filled with more "GORE-TEX® Merch Emotions" very soon! :)
Maybe we will see each other in Feldkirchen during the next days because I'll spend three days there. Even Thorsten is over there and can probably join a run. I'm excited if he is in shape for the up-comming half-marathon next Sunday in Heidelberg. Today he ran 17,5 km he told me. 17,5 km more than me...

My running week didn't feel that good. But it was OK, there were more important things and friends to celebrate...

training this week:
  • Monday: Up-Hill-Runs at the "Festspielhaus-Wall", 20 Min running in and out, 8 runs (2 series), : first 4: 62-64 sec, next 3: 65-68 sec and the last one: 61 sec! :) Pause 2.30 - 4.00 min. - just felt very very tired afterwards ... but it's good to know what you've done!
  • Tuesday: very nice 56 min run in best mood through the "Studentenwald"
  • Thursday: moderate 58 min with Flo
  • Saturday: 62 min. felt very weak... just doesnt't work without eating before running.
Keep on running everybody.

Samstag, 17. April 2010

First post

This weeks training:

tuesday: 85min about 16km
wednesday: 1h swimming
thursday: 1.5h soccer
friday: 100 min about 16km

Lookin forward to my training today, back at the Isar-Trails

Enjoy your weekend runs


Sonntag, 11. April 2010

Sun. Fun.

The second week after Brasil was already much better than the first. Just nicer. A lot of sun, a lot of nice running partners. And step by step I get used to (almost) daily running.
Yesterday I only had Thomas' words in mind: "Next week at least one time more than 100 min!"
So... yesterday my first "long" run... 1h 45 min. I know you're all laughing about this, but hey, I'm happy about how everything is going. Step by step... As you can see on the right side of the page: still 145 days left to the start in Ruhpolding!
Until September I can push it a lot...

My training this week:
  • monday: 4-5-6-5-3 min, 2.30 min jogging between, 10 min running-in / 8 min -out, total: 50 min
  • tuesday: one hour personal trainer for a nice runner. nice run for me, too. total: 60 min
  • thursday: breath taking 52 min with Bene, nice pace, total 52 min
  • friday: short 42 min quicky with stretching
  • saturday: lonesome 145 min around the "Festspielhaus" with a lot of motivational music. felt very good between 1 h and 1 h 30 min.
  • sunday: washing my CEP running socks...
keep on running!
Feel free to comment here or on facebook!


by the way: Josef made it... Crazy...

For the Germans:
Wir sind ja nur ein paar verrückte Merchandiser auf Abwegen. Echte Trailrunner und welche, die es werden wollen, finden hier eine wirklich ineressante Zeitschrift: das TRAIL MAGAZIN. Und das beste daran, ihr könnt euch die gesamte Ausgabe online anschauen. Jede Menge beeindruckende Bilder und verrückte Leute auf "Abwegen"...

Mittwoch, 7. April 2010

Did you feel that??

YES. It was my heart. thanks to my drill instructor thomas, like in good old times, we had a very intensive goodbye-brühl-easter-egg-run on monday.
Yeah, the big limitation and reason why you just saw your running partner running away, David, was your heart. Good to feel it.

If somebody knows what a "Fahrtspiel" is in English, let me know. Well, we played with the pace. :)
  • monday: 4-5-6-5-3 min, 2.30 min jogging between, 10 min running-in / 8 min -out, total: 50 min.
  • tuesday: one hour personal trainer for a nice runner. nice run for me, too. total: 60 min

If you are asking yourself sometimes: Where is the limit? Our friend Josef Ajram doesn't know, but he knows where it's not... Today he is running 82 km in the desert - 4th stage of the Marathon de Sable!

The spring is coming, even in Bayreuth.
Get moving. Even if it's just with the music in your office.

Sonntag, 4. April 2010

Frohe Ostern / Happy Easter

Freunde, friends y amigos!

Frohe Ostern, Happy Easter y Feliz Semana Santa...

The Brasilian tan already leaves my skin. I'm almost back home...
This week's training to get (at least a little bit) back on track...
  • monday: 62 min - feeling really tired, should have eaten sth. before...
  • thursday: 42 min - shorter than I thought, but felt OK.
  • friday: 57 min - good legs, just got hungry :)
  • sunday: 80 min - very nice run with my brother.

Hoy una cosa especial para nuestros amigos que hablan espanol.
Algunos de vosotros conocen el loco JOSEF AJRAM.
El esta corriendo el Marathon de Sable en el desierto ahora... Un chico muy sympatico, muy interesante, muy especial, y... claro, muy loco.
Nuestro amigo va a participar en el GORE-TEX(R) Transalpine Run este ano tambien.
Escucha una entrevista muy buena con el aqui o visita su pagina.

Donnerstag, 1. April 2010

Die Liebe

Liebe Liebende und Laufende,

da heute nicht nur der Geburtstag meines Vater, sondern auch der erste Tag nach dem Monat März war, darf ich voller Glaube an die wahre Liebe sagen:


Michael ist weiter am Laufen. Verlobt habe ich ihn ganz alleine... Wahrscheinlich hat er das gar nicht gelesen. :)
Manchmal reicht es ja schon, wenn nur einer seinen Spaß hat...  In diesem Sinne:
Liebe Grüße an seine Herzdame und gute Nacht.


Wo die Liebe hinfällt - aber doch nicht DA hin...!!!

Mann oh Mann.
Was für ein Tag, was für ein Anruf.

Die Liebe, sie ist ja schön und oftmals sogar gut! Unbestritten.
Einer von uns 4 hat sie offenbar fürs Leben gefunden. Umso schöner. Bei dieser reizenden Dame.

Offenbar war die Hormonzufuhr beim Kniefall zu groß. Michi mein Freund, man kann ja heiraten, aber doch nicht Anfang September..!!! Junge, da war doch was...!!

O-Ton: "Scheiße..., der Termin ist fix. Mann, das ist ein STANDESAMT...! Und ich mache das nicht allein!"

Schön war's... noch gute 150 Tage. Wir finden schon einen Laufpartner für Franky. Mit cojones...

Weiterhin alle lieb haben, bitte!